South Australian Babies And Young Children With Dental Issues On The Rise!

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Posted On: July 21st, 2017      
amazing-dentistry, global-dentistry

South Australian babies are increasingly needing treatment in hospital for dental issues, and sugary foods and drinks as well as a lack of brushing — are being blamed by experts.
In the past 12 months, 2,500 children under the age of eight needed dental treatment under general anesthetic. That is a 55 per cent increase over the past decade. What is concerning dentists is that figure includes 24 children who are not yet one year old.
Mark Penrose from the SA Dental Service described the results as alarming."I've done full clearances — that's where I've taken every tooth out of a child's mouth," 
Dr Penrose said. "I think it was a child about three or four [years old], so every tooth had to be removed and she won't be getting another one for about two or three years after that. "I find it frustrating ... it's certainly very distressing for the parent and the children."
"The bulk of the cause rests with the diet, what parents are feeding their children and giving them to drink."That includes seemingly healthy food such as fruit.
"Dried fruit, for example, might not be so healthy. A tub of 
yoghurt, for example, most people might think is a health food, contains six teaspoons of sugar," Dr Penrose said.
"So there's a lot of processed foods that have sugar which parents aren't aware of and really do need to check." 
Dr Penrose said even giving a baby a bottle of milk to go to sleep with at bedtime was problematic. "Cow's milk will cause tooth decay if it's used inappropriately. A child put to bed with a bottle of milk to go to sleep will soon develop decay, especially in their upper-front teeth.
"Be wise about what they feed ... don't succumb to the chocolate and lolly deal with the kids and take their children to the dentist for a regular review.
"[And] it's important to brush a child's teeth. A child can't brush their own teeth properly until they're at least nine years of age." Government figures also show only half of the children eligible for its free dental treatment scheme are being seen by the service.
South Australia's Health Minister Jack Snelling said people might not be aware that free treatment was available."Indeed people can go to a private dentist and have it bulk-billed through Medicare," 
Mr Snelling said.
"Make sure children get in the habit of regular dental visits and those really should start as early as possible."


-By Lauren Waldhuter and Matt Colema


amazing-dentistry, global-dentistry

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