Being Dentist: Top 5 Problems Faced By Private Dental Practitioners In India

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Posted On: March 12th, 2016      
 Dentistry, Being-Dentist

The AGE Problem




If you have started your dental practice recently, you are DISMISSED as inexperienced

If you are old, sometimes you are DOUBTED to be outdated...!



The MONEY Problem


If you take a decent fee, some patients will CONSIDER you as greedy


If you take less, they are SKEPTICAL about your skills!






If you try to give them cost effective treatment option they feel it is INCOMPLETE..


If you give best, they choose to COMPLETE the course of medicines and leave the treatment mid-way.!







If you prescribe them mandatory medicines or ask for some investigations, they SUSPECT you do it for COMMISSION.


If you don't, you are SUSCEPTIBLE to be sued for OMISSION...!



The TIME Problem


If you do not give them time, they feel you are not EMPATHETIC.


If you give them too much time, they fear your competence is PATHETIC as you seem to have only a few patients and ample time...!


Cover Image Courtesy: Google Images


 Dentistry, Being-Dentist

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Dr. Pranav Agale

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